Rita Company has cooperated with Hoan Hao Hospital to organize a periodic health examination of 2020 for all employees at the company today. The organization of periodic health check helps employees to know the health situation, detect early and prevent diseases.
In addition to the general health checklist, the staffs of Hoan Hao Hospital's medical staff have fully performed the procedures and contents: General examination (ear - nose - throat - eyes - skin - weight - height - blood pressure ...), X-ray, blood formula tests, liver function tests, urine ...
A team of highly qualified, enthusiastic, and experienced doctors and modern equipment has come directly to the company for examination.
To ensure the health care of all workers and employees, after receiving the results, Rita will check the results and classify health situations, make health records to monitor the number of employees with chronic diseases, pay attention to the doctor's direction in the treatment. Thereby, be able to evaluate the overall health status of each worker and employee, then detect in the earliest time abnormal signs at risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure, etc…
The results are summarized and classified by medical staff so that the doctor can give advice for specific cases about methods of health protection such as changing living, eating and working habits, to improve the living environment, labor protection, exercise, sports ... as well as ways of monitoring, treatment in case of illness.
The caring of employees is the most important caring for the resource of the business. Periodic health examinations for employees not only show our social responsibility but also a practical work to take care of human values, the most valuable asset that every organization needs to maintain and promote productivity, creativity and working spirit of the team.
Rita will become more and more sustainable due to our workers and employees who are always healthy and happy working hard. Rita is always grateful for the great contribution of all workers and employees to Rita's achievements today. Sincerely thank you very much!